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Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 07

Today, me and my class mates(Boys Only) we went to Tan Chong's motor.
I didn't know what are we going to be there for?
So it started at home I woke late cause i slept at 2.05am this morning, thats why i woke up around 7.05 and get myself ready. After that i went to the school and join the assembly, after the assembly we(My class and one of the other class) are the only class that seated there like a dungu. So Jason and most of them stood up and went to the foyer to sit there, Then i asked Jovin and Teng Sim to Acompany me to the canteen to get som FRIED WANTAN but they refused to follow me then i invited JASON and JOVIN to follow me so he accepted the offer and followed me to the canteen and get some Fried Wantan.(The Fried Wantan Is Damn Good!)

OK, then on the way back to the foyer we Chit Chated abit and joking around then sudenly a topic when into my head and i told him that if they were gone what would you do? then he answerd me that he will go home better then being in school~

Alright here is where We went into the bus (GOING TO SUMARISE IT)
Then i asked Jason to borrow me his Bluetooth earphone and he borrowed me,
then i asked jovin for my wantan,
we stuck in the trafic jam while we were in the jaming hours,
then we arrived.....

OK its quite boring here, when we arrived we went up to tan chong's motor Automobile Traning place... then we went into the meeting room so they started their speach and keep on telling us that automotive study will bring a good carear to those who have studied and i almost felt asleep, then i SMSed Jovin that i will not change my dream of working in EA Games...

Then, we ate Nasi Lemak and a Donut for our breakfast which was given by the Tan Chong's Motor. Its not bad but still can be eaten....

Then we went into the Course work room and see some student Repairing a car which looks cool!

But the coolest thing i've saw is a Nisan Sky-Line Twin Cam Turbo Engin which sounded like a Fierce TIGER with a good tone ^^,

And then we went back Thats all ^^

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